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Tony Wallace

Mentor, OH, USA


Car is ready to enter the storage garage for 2019-2020 winter. The car is in perfect condition!
Sherbrooke, QC, Canada
IMSA weekend in the Corvette Corral at Watkins Glen. Traditional trip every year. Always fun to be part of this 200+ Corvette Corral.
Watkins Glen, NY, USA
Perform a deep exterior clean after the ride back from Watkins Glen, NY back to home. In preparation to the trip to IMSA Mosport race next weekend.
Magog, QC, Canada
37015 km
Always in good shape year after year!
Magog, QC, Canada
Preparation of the car to receive new tires. Appointment on Friday morning to get the new tires on wheels. Got the Goodyear when the car was purchased back in 2007. No tire change since then! Will feel more comfortable if I've be caught in the rain. After 11 years running on the same tires ... quit amazing isn't it!

Don't like to drive a minivan but can't trash it with all the space it offers... too easy to load 8 large tires in it.
Magog, QC, Canada
44595 mi
Just received brand new tires for the car. P255-60-R15, Cooper Tires offers this size with the raised white letter. This keep the classic look of the car exactly like I wanted.
Magog, QC, Canada

Chasing cars